Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award | Association of Anaesthetists

Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award

Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award

The Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award is named after Dr Maldwyn (Mal) Morgan, a former Association president (1998 – 2000) to recognise his outstanding contributions to education and training, research, and his work as an editor and author in the field of anaesthesia. This award is presented in recognition of the achievements of an individual who is leading the implementation of educational initiatives or the advancement of public education in and the promotion of those branches of medical science concerned with anaesthesia, including its history which improve the training and knowledge of their colleagues.

This award is given to anaesthetists who are actively demonstrating a significant improvement to the education of their physician anaesthetist colleagues at a regional or national level.

Successful recipients will receive the Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to Association members and non-members
Nomination: By nomination from an Association member

Submit your nomination here

The deadline for nominations is 23:59 on Wednesday 13 August 2025. Awards will be presented at the Winter Scientific Meeting in London in January 2026.

Application questions:

  1. How has the individual implemented educational initiatives and helped improve the training of their physician anaesthetist colleagues and/or care of their patients at a regional or national level and what has been the impact of their contributions? (max 500 words)
  2. What sets this nominee apart from all others, to make them worthy of the Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award? (max 500 words)
  3. (optional) Please provide any supporting evidence to accompany your nomination

Mal Morgan Educational Team of the Year Award

The Mal Morgan Educational team of the Year Award is named after former Association president Dr Maldwyn (Mal) Morgan (1998 – 2000) to recognise his outstanding contributions to education and training, research, and his work as an editor and author in the field of anaesthesia. This award is presented in recognition of the achievements of a group of anaesthetists who are leading the implementation of educational initiatives or the advancement of public education in and the promotion of those branches of medical science concerned with anaesthesia, including its history which improve the training and knowledge of their colleagues.

This award is given to groups of anaesthetists (including anaesthetic departments) who are actively demonstrating a significant improvement to the education of their medically trained anaesthetic colleagues at a regional or national level.

Successful recipients will receive the Mal Morgan Educator of the Year Award.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to Association members and non-members
Nomination: By nomination from an Association member

Submit your nomination here

The deadline for nominations is 23:59 on Wednesday 13 August 2025. Awards will be presented at the Winter Scientific Meeting in London in January 2026.

Application questions:

  1. How has the group implemented educational initiatives and helped improve the training of their medically trained anaesthetic colleagues and/or care of their patients at a regional or national level and what has been the impact of their contributions? (max 500 words)
  2. What sets this group apart from all others, to make them worthy of the Mal Morgan Educational Team of the Year Award? (max 500 words)
  3. (optional) Please provide any supporting evidence to accompany your nomination